ContentL. fredparkeri <--> L. biakensis
Leiopython huonensis Schleip, 2008

Common name
Huon (peninsula) White-Lipped Python
An adult female from an area about 16 km west of Lae, collected by L. van Royen in 1964, AMNH R-95535. Labeled: ‘‘Gift to H. M. van Deusen’’; SVL 940 mm; tail 155 mm; head 37 mm.
Description of the holotype
Supralabials 12/12, first two pitted, fifth to seventh entering the orbit with a lateral depression on the fifth scale; infralabials 16/16, with 7–13 pitted; loreals 1/1; postoculars 3/3 with whitish spot; supraoculars 1/1; one pair of prefrontals; one pair of parietals in median contact and meet uppermost postoculars; anterior temporals 5/4; posterior temporals 5/5; midbody scale rows 48; ventrals 269; anal entire; subcaudals 73.
This species differs from Leiopython albertisii, Leiopython biakensis, and Leiopython fredparkeri in having only one pair of parietals followed by small, irregular scales (Fig. 13C). It can be distinguished from Leiopython montanus by the lower number of loreal and prefrontal scales as well as a lower average number of postoculars and from Leiopython meridionalis by the scale arrangement posterior to the parietal scales showing small, irregular scales. It also differs from Leiopython albertisii and from Leiopython meridionalis by lower average ventral scale counts. Additionally, it can be distinguished from the latter taxon by the presence of the whitish postocular spot.

Leiopython meridionalis can reach a length up to 2.8 m (~9 ft.) and an average weight of 8 kg. The body color is blackish-blue dorsally fading to grayish ventrolaterally and white laterally. The dorsal surface of the head is shiny black and the chin is white. The whitish spot behind the eye is absent. 12-14 supralabials, 15-18 infralabials, single loreal and preocular; 3-4 postoculars, 4-5 anterior and posterior temporals, one large pair of prefrontals, single pair of parietal scales followed by a characteristic set of scales; 45-52 dorsal midbody-rows; 264-278 ventrals, anal entire; 64-73 subcaudals.
The specific name huonensis derives from the Latin word for 'southern' and refers to the southern distribution of this White-lipped python.
ContentL. fredparkeri <--> L. biakensis